Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Creeper Quilt - Pixel Art

Quilting is one of my favorite hobbies and it is surprisingly simple. Geeky gifting is made easy with pixel art quilting. Most retro games have a pixelated quality that is easy to transfer to a quilting pattern. I've often found that simple Perler bead patterns (as seen in the cube bank tutorial). I like to use Kandi Patterns for my pixel art, but sometimes a simple google search suffices. I'm always looking for new pattern generators or archives if anyone has suggestions!

I chose the simple Creeper from the game Minecraft (pictured above) as I was looking to finish this project quickly for a gift. The project took approximately 2 days by hand, but you could probably wrap it up in a few hours with the use of a sewing machine.

Step 1: Choose a pattern and collect your supplies. You'll need quilting needles, thread, batting and fabric enough for the front and a solid piece for the back of your quilt. It is important to know how much of each square you'll need and plan for square size before having fabric cut at the store. Keep in mind that most bolts of cloth are 36" wide. I cut my squares in 6" pieces.

Step 2: Stitch your squares together in rows. They should be stitched front to front and then turned inside out. Once a row has been completed you'll want to line the rows up and stitch them into the full front. Remember to do this front facing front of each side.

Step 3: Face your backing to the front of your quilt and the batting on the top of this. Pin the pieces in place and stitch around the outside leaving a space large enough to turn the quilt inside out upon completion. You'll want to stitch the hole closed from the outside after turning the fabric inside out.

Step 4: "Quilt" the quilt. Sew straight through the quilt from the back to the front to ensure that the pieces stay together and do not balloon outward. I stitched around the black portions of the Creeper.

 Step 5: Bundle up. 


  1. That is so cool! My son loves Minecraft. He thought it was really cool!

  2. I've had a lot of friends make them as gifts for their sons or even significant others. It's a great simple patten for first time quilters.
