Friday, February 28, 2014

Terrarium: The Action Figure Display

After recently moving, I've found myself unpacking an excess of action figures. As any good geek can tell you, figures without boxes have a sad resale value, so I've decided to repurpose some of my old toys to spruce up the new apartment in a cheap and easy terrarium.

 Monster Island in a Box

To create your own boxes universe, you'll need some low-maintenance plants like cacti or African violets; a fishbowl, some figures, and some rocks. Most of my materials I found outside,  my plants were donated from my coworker, and my only purchase--the fishbowl--cost less than $3.00. also offers a terrarium starter kit for less than $10.00 found here.

Step 1: Mix your rocks and dirt and put a generous amount on the bottom of your bowl. The rocks allow water to flow more freely through the dirt and help your terrarium require less maintenance. 

Step 2: Bury the roots of your plants in the dirt. Arrange the leaves carefully. You might like to use some natural decorations such as sticks from outside to serve as "trees" in your micro-universe or some seashells. I added a bit of dry grass.

Step 3:  Arrange your figures inside. Pose-able figures are fun. I chose to use some of my mini-Godzilla collection to create a micro-Monster Island. Another popular idea is Ewok figures for Endor in a Box or Pokemon figures for a battle-arena scene. 



  1. What a great idea! Would be great for teachers to do as a class project even :) I'll have to keep it in mind.

  2. That was a cool idea. I have two boys with tons of action figures.

  3. I've always wanted to try this. I think my son would love this project!
